Bette Plog Information Technology Scholarship

The Bette Plog Information Technology Scholarship was established to honor Dr. Bette Plog, a valued and respected college faculty member at the El Centro Campus for 41 years. During her tenure, Dr. Plog served in a number of faculty leadership positions including program coordinator for the Computer Information Technology (CIT) and Internet Development Technologies (IDT) programs, chair of the District CIT curriculum committee and ECC Faculty Association President. She also held the distinction of being a Minnie Stevens Piper State Professor. Honoring her legacy of service to the El Centro Campus and its students, the funds from this scholarship will be awarded to deserving El Centro students who have declared a major in a CIT or IDT program.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Major in Computer Information Technology or Internet Development Technology
  • Must be a student attending the El Centro Campus during the period of the award.
  • Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
  • Must have completed a minimum of 6 credit hours at Dallas College prior to the period of the award
  • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credit hours for the period of the award

$450 Fall only
Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.


04-El Centro Campus, Computer Information Technology