North Star Turkish Scholarship of Dallas

The North Star Turkish Scholarship of Dallas is a competitive scholarship established by the Generosity Foundation. It provides support to Dallas College students and is open to all students while preference will be given to international students with a proven interest in and connection to the language, history, culture and/or studies of Turkey.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must provide a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words explaining your interest in and knowledge of the Turkish language, history, culture, and/or studies. If applicable, include 100 words written in Turkish.
  • Scholarships are open to all students who meet the above criteria, however, preference will be given to international students from Turkey or students from Turkish family decent, so long as such preference does not significantly detract from Dallas College’s nondiscriminatory policies.

Recipient Requirements

*You may only receive one (1) North Star Turkish Scholarship per academic year.
  • Attend networking events with the Generosity Foundation.

$1,000 Spring only
08-Dallas College (Any campus location), 21-Open to International/Non-Resident Students
Supplemental Questions
  1. Must provide a personal statement of no more than 1,000 words explaining your interest in and knowledge of the Turkish language, history, culture, and/or studies. If applicable, include 100 words written in Turkish.