Achieving Latino Academic Success (ALAS) Scholarship
The Achieving Latino Academic Success (ALAS) Scholarship was established in 2014 by the Richland Campus ALAS organization for students attending the Richland Campus and for members of their organization.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must have a minimum Dallas College GPA of 3.0
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 3 credit hours for the period of the award
- Must have completed a minimum of 6 credit hours at Dallas College prior to the period of the award
- Must provide a URL link to a copy of your resume, include your work experience, special training or skills, hobbies, or volunteer work.
- Award
- $125 Summer only
- Campus/Major
- 01-Brookhaven Campus, 02-Cedar Valley Campus, 03-Eastfield Campus, 04-El Centro Campus, 05-Mountain View Campus, 06-North Lake Campus, 07-Richland Campus, 08-Dallas College (Any campus location)
- Deadline
- Supplemental Questions
- Are you a member of the Achieving Latino Academic Success organization?
- Why do you deserve this scholarship?
- Please provide a copy of your resume, include your work experience, special training or skills, hobbies, or volunteer work.
- What campus will you attend during the upcoming summer semester?