Ram Lal Seekri Endowed Scholarship

The Ram Lal Seekri Endowed Scholarship was established in 2007 in honor of Ram Seekri, father of Raj Seekri, professor of Mathematics at the Richland Campus and a native of India. His father helped educate the underprivileged student’s in India and inspired Raj to teach.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be a student attending the Richland Campus during the period of the award.
  • Must demonstrate an urgent financial need that affects your ability to succeed in college
  • Must meet federal guidelines for financial need. Applicants must complete the entire FAFSA process by May 1st

$500 per fall & spring semesters
Anticipated Total

Anticipated total amount over the full term of this award.


07-Richland Campus, 20-Any Program of Study or Major