Good Neighbor Program
The Good Neighbor Program provides tuition assistance to students from other nations of the Western Hemisphere, other than Cuba and the United States. At Dallas College, the Good Neighbor Exemption is administered by the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, as directed by the Texas High Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Academically talented students from these countries are encouraged to pursue higher education in the state of Texas, thus establishing beneficial relationships between the state of Texas and the students’ home countries.
This program exempts the student from the payment of tuition only for one year (fall, spring, and summer). Selected recipients are responsible for paying fees.
Eligibility Requirements
- Be a bona fide native-born citizen and resident of an eligible country (see the list below)
- Intend to return to the eligible country to live after completing the program of study.
- Not be a dual citizen of an eligible country and the United States of America.
- Have resided in the Western (American) Hemisphere for at least five years.
- Not be a member of the communist party.
- Demonstrate scholastic qualifications for admission to the nominating institution.
- Be registered for Selective Service or be exempt.
- Applicants must be admitted to a Dallas College degree program, eligible to enroll at Dallas College, and must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements.
Completed applications submitted by eligible applicants are reviewed, and a list is forwarded to THECB to determine the recipients. Recipient notification is received by the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office by the end of May, with award information forwarded to the student and posted on their student account at that time.
This is a twelve-month waiver and is limited only to Texas public colleges and universities
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Guyana
- Argentina
- Haiti
- Bahamas
- Honduras
- Barbados
- Jamaica
- Belize (British Honduras)
- Mexico
- Bolivia
- Nicaragua
- Brazil
- Panama
- Canada
- Paraguay
- Chile
- Peru
- Colombia
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Costa Rica
- Saint Lucia
- Dominica
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Dominican Republic
- Suriname
- Ecuador
- Trinidad and Tobago
- El Salvador
- Uruguay
- Grenada
- Venezuela
- Guatemala
- Award
- Payment of tuition only for one year (fall, spring, and summer). Selected recipients are responsible for pay fees.
- Deadline
- Supplemental Questions
- What is your Country of Birth?
- What is your Country of Permanent Residence?
- What is your Country of Citizenship?
- If listed more than one country in answering the above questions, please explain the circumstances.
- VISA Type
- Have you applied for U.S. Permanent Resident status?
- U.S. Selective Service (
- Are you currently registered with the the U.S. Selective Service (
- In the question above if you answered yes please provide your selective service registration number.
- Have you lived in the Western hemisphere at least 5 years?
- How long have you lived in the Western hemisphere? (number of years and number of months)
- Number of months.
- Number of years.
- Do you have any relatives working for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board?
- If yes, list names and relationships below.
- Names and relationships:
- I certify the information provided in this application is true and correct and submission of this application will confirm my responses above for consideration. I understand the deadline to submit my completed application is by 11:59 p.m. March 1, 2024.
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